Order Opera cake online

Dreaming of an irresistibly delicious almond-flavored sponge cake created in layers? Just order Opera cake online at our dessert factory! We offer our customers the classic version of it along with many yummy recipe variations. So whether you’re looking to order a birthday cake or a wedding cake masterpiece, you’re welcome to request a price quote here now!

You will love all our Opera cake versions. Here are our customers’ all-time favorites:

  • chocolate pistachio banana Opera cake
  • white chocolate raspberry Opera cake
  • Opera mango cake
  • hazelnut Opera cake
  • Cuban Opera cake
  • Opera cake with apricot mousse

Wondering where to buy Opera cake in New York? Stop by our dessert studio and you will make sure that we make some of the best Opera cakes in NYC! If you need, we can provide dessert delivery right to your home or office address. All our cakes are customizable, anything can be adapted to match your exact preferences as well as to reflect the style of your event.

Along with Opera cakes, we have Opera cupcakes for sale as well as iced cookies, custom cake pops, birthday macarons and wedding petit fours. Our desserts come in a wide variety of allergy-friendly options. At CupCakery you can order gluten-free Opera cake as well as sugar-free and vegan. With our Opera cake you will be the shining star of the celebration!
